শীতের আগমন বার্তা নিয়ে আসে হেমন্ত। আর হেমন্তের আগমন কার্তিক মাসে। এ মাসেই রোদের তেজ কমে…
Category: Blog
Organic Matter in Bangladeshi Soil
Current status of organic matter in the soil of Bangladesh Current status of organic matter in…
Effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and different phosphatic fertilizer on nutrient content of rice.
A pot culture experiment was conducted in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh…
Methane Emission
In Dhaka, 45 to 55% of the total waste (2,200 ton/day) are unmanaged waste (less than…
Trichoderma: It’s biopesticide behavior
Trichoderma is a beneficial fungus that lives freely in the soil – which is found in…